
Authorpreneur Book Reviews

To be a writer you need to read a lot and write a lot. – Stephen King

Here I’ll be putting reviews of the books that I’ve read on my journey toward authorpreneurship.  I put them here and reviewed them because I thought you might find them helpful.  Much of the information that I’m talking about in the other posts on this site came from these books and others, so if you want to have information from the horse’s mouth click on the pictures below to get more information.

Crush it! Why NOW is the time to cash in on your passion by Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk sums up the spirit of business online and provides great insights on how to approach being an authorpreneur. See why this is the number one book I recommend for authorpreneurs

On Writing by Stephen King

Do you want to be as successful as Stephen King? Click the picture to see what I had to say about his book.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Not the effective writer that you always dreamed of being? I wasn’t either until I discovered  this book. Click on the picture for my review.

2000 to 10000

Can’t write fast enough? Click the picture to change that.