Crafting Fiction


To write novels that other people will love to read.

Other than that, any other “rules” are merely guidelines. To be able to effectively accomplish the mission of Dauntless Crafting of fiction, a lot more study and practice will be required. This is my hub for gathering information about being an effective fiction writer. Some of it will be my own experiences, but most will be quoting the masters of the craft.


  • To learn through practice how to write a novel or a series of novels with precision and clarity
  • To find your writing voice


  • Planning – Cutting the creation time by planning ahead;
  • Concept – Creating a strong idea around which a story can be built;
  • Character – The players that bring the story to life, starting with the basics;
  • Theme – The deeper meaning of the story;
  • Structure – Bringing a story across effectively, keeping the pacing good;
  • Scene execution – Keeping the reader flying down the page, and then turning to the next page; and
  • Voice – Making the story unique to you.

Further reading

In the end, you can only do so much work on your own writing, let someone else give you some critique on your work. 


I’ll be writing about each of these facets of craft extensively, but for now, I recommend  that you read up on the craft of fiction in these books. I’ve read each of them, and found them valuable. Some I’ve even reviewed individually, and I’ll provide the links for that as well.


Story Engineering by Larry Brooks

Novel Writing for Dummies by Randy Ingermanson, Peter Economy

Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Renni Browne, Dave King

On Writing by Stephen King

Stein on Writing by Sol Stein